Year 1 - Snowy Owls

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to the Spring term.

Mrs Hall will continue to teach the children on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Miss Pulling will teach on Thursdays and Fridays.  

In the curriculum overview, you will find the different subject areas we will be studying and the curriculum elements we will be including. This shows you the overarching subject content that they will be learning as well as the main learning enquiry questions the children will be answering linked to their theme.

We are now into our second year of using the FFT phonics programme and the children’s home readers are based on what has been done in class phonics and reading sessions. We will still be asking children to choose books from the colour bands to supplement their reading. We will hear them all read next week to give you a rough idea where to start - please choose from anywhere within your child’s colour band, we are no longer following the book lists. If you feel your child is ready for the next colour band, please let us know and we will assess them in class. Please record any comments about your child’s reading in the yellow reader books – please use each page as a week so we can monitor how much they are reading. Please also use this book to let us know about any concerns but do please let us know you have written in there so that nothing is missed!

If your child is going to be collected by someone else, please make sure you verbally let us know or email the office as we will not be able to send children home with a different adult without prior consent.

As you are aware, Year One children are entitled to a free school meal. A copy of the menu is available on the school website and we will also tell the children the choices each day.

Children will need a named water bottle to use throughout the week, which we will then send home for a good wash on a Friday. Children will not need a pencil case. They will be provided with a clear plastic named bag for reading books and home school book; this is the only bag they will need. We would discourage the use of big rucksacks or bags to save space in our classroom. The children are allowed to bring a small (non-electronic) toy, which they can store in their colour trays in class.

On the following days we will be having PE and forest school:

PE day: Tuesday (pm)

Forest School Day: Friday (am) 

Please can you ensure the children come equipped with the appropriate clothing on these days. The school is asking that on PE days children ensure they wear the appropriate PE kit as per the school uniform guidelines.

Please ensure children all come to school with a waterproof coat everyday. They will also need a pair of wellies and a spare pair of clothes to be kept in school (in a named plastic bag to be hung on their pegs) as we don’t ever want the weather to get in the way of our learning and fun.


You can also find the suggested kit list for Forest School and a message from Mrs Dowsing below:

Forest School is all about getting children outside and exploring nature, whatever the weather, so it is important children wear appropriate clothing. Children need a pair of named welly boots in school every day. They also need a change of clothes (top, trousers and socks) in a named bag that can stay on their peg. On Forest School days children should wear comfortable clothes that are ok to get muddy. They also need to have their arms and legs covered due to the risk of ticks, so on warm days they can bring long sleeves and trousers to change into. Children must have waterproof coat and waterproof trousers and as it gets colder, they will also need warm layers, a woolly hat and gloves.

If you would like to talk to us, we are available at the end of the school day or you can book an appointment through the office.

Finally, just to say that if in the morning your child is having a bit of a wobble, please don’t worry - this is totally normal and once they are here we will do everything we can to support your child and reassure them so that they feel happy and comfortable. 

Warm regards,

Mrs Hall and Miss Pulling

The teachers in all the classes have put together a document with lots of ideas and suggestions that will help you to support your child with their punctuation and grammar.